Industrial Waste
Safe & Responsible Industrial Waste Management For A Sustainable Future
At Adityapur Waste Management facility, we specialize in sustainably managing solid and hazardous industrial waste generated by a range of industries, including factories, textile mills, mines, and more.
Adityapur Waste Management facility prides itself on our ability to treat and dispose of every type of waste material, with an Infrastructure of 22.81 Acres for the facility containing Incinerator, Autoclave & shredder machinery along with an expansive landfill area dedicated for disposing treated hazardous waste, while maintaining the Pollution control norms to treat hazardous particulates within the given parameters [mg/Nm3].
Adityapur Waste Management Pvt Ltd (AWMPL) is a one-stop shop for all your waste management needs, services encompass industrial hazardous waste, biomedical waste, and even soil remediation. With over 90+ workforce, services are provided to 3 districts [East Singhbhum, West Singhbhum & Saraikela Kharswan]. Type of services include – Incineration, Autoclave & Shredding, with a landfill within site premises for disposal of sharps through encapsulation. Biomedical services are provided to more than 5000 Beds & 300+ non-bedded facilities, additionally catering to zoo & vet nary clinics & hospitals. Alternative fuel raw material (AFR) processes are also collected at this facility. They also provide specialized vehicles for efficient waste collection directly from your source.
Specialized services with state of the art in house laboratory services for testing of hazardous waste and air /noise / soil / water / wastewater monitoring; and reuse, recycle, recover and use of alternative technologies for waste management.

Leading Service provider
Industrial waste management services in Adityapur

IoT Enabled Smart Fleet
Safe & Secure transportation

3+ Facilities
Industrial + Biomedical + Integrated Enviro Services
Managing Industrial Waste With Versatility
Effective industrial waste management demands specialized expertise to guarantee both safety and sustainability. Our team of specialists manages the entire lifecycle of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, from identifying the waste to collecting, transporting, and disposing of it, ensuring that your industrial processes have the least possible impact on the environment.

Toxic Waste
Safely disposing of toxic industrial waste harmful to the environment and humans.

Liquid Waste
Managing acidic chemicals, oils, alkalis, phenols, & residues, among others.

Solid Waste
Handling & recycling a range of solid wastes that are hazardous to the ecosystem.

Metal Waste
Processing all types of wastes from automobiles, electronics, devices, and several industrial units.

Fuel & Lubricants
Managing the fuel waste coming out of factories and manufacturing facilities.
Domestic Hazardous Waste
Safely disposing of Hazardous waste found in domestic zones harmful to humans & the environment
Major Industrial Facilities We Serve

Automobile Factories

Paper Manufacturing Plants

Sugar Production Facilities

Cement Production Plants

Steel Manufacturing Plants

Food Processing Plants

Textile Manufacturing Factories

Mineral Industry Sites

Fertilizer Production Plants
Our Industrial Waste Management Services
Adityapur Waste Management Private Limited has a state of art facility which houses two incinerators which is unique in the state of Jharkhand. It has a double combustion chamber with a gas quenching system.
- Capacity of 300 kgs/hr. for Industrial waste & 200 kgs/hr. for biomedical waste.
- IoT Enabled systems for control efficiency.
- Air pollution control system for particulate matter removal.
- Neutralization of acidic fume in stack for safe exhaust of treated gas.
- ID fan to maintain the negative draft throughout the system.
- Real-time emission monitoring at the end of the stack to monitor emissions. All monitored from the Control command center.
This helps us to maintain the emission standards as per the CPCB guidelines. PLC & SCDA systems for process control & automation.

The Secured Landfill is a double liner geo-technical structure with leachate management & gas vent, provided for the environmentally sound disposal of waste that cannot be reduced, recycled, composted, incinerated or processed in some other manner. The scientific landfill with a capacity of 2.5 Liter Metric Ton, uses Double Competitive Liner system – Primary leachate collection layer of thickness 30 cm or more and co- efficient of permeability more than 10 -2 cm/sec (10 -4 m/sec). Filter media (300mm gravel size 20mm). Leachate Monitoring system with a Suitable size double liner system, solar evaporation pond with pumping system arrangement is available for management of leachate generated from secure engineering landfill. A well-equipped environmental laboratory is available to monitor the gases generated from the landfill.

Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, setting industry standards for precision and accuracy. The waste facility has systems in place with complete track and trace mechanisms and chain of custody of samples to ensure the integrity and reliability of our testing processes.
Water & Wastewater analysis including
- Raw effluents
- Treated effluent.
- Sewage
- Domestic effluent
- Cooling tower water
- Complete Range of
(Included but not
limited to)
On-site Sampling & Testing
- Basic parameters
(pH, EC / TDS, Alkalinity, TSS, Hardeners, Ca, Mg) - NO3, NO2, SO4,
Cl, PO4, F - DO, COD, BOD
- Oil & Grease
- Metals (Mercury, Cd, Pb, As, Zn, Ni, Mn, Cr, Co)
- Microbiology
- VOC’s, SVOC’s
- PAH’s & PCB’s
- Pesticide residues
Service monitoring
- Ambient & workplace air
monitoring - Air emission monitoring of Boiler, DG & Process Stacks
- Noise Level Monitoring
- Ventilation Survey
- Light Luminosity Measurement (by LUX Meter)
- Base Line Data Study For
Range of Services Regulatory:
- Temperature
- Humidity
- PM 2.5, PM 10
- Ozone
- Benzene
- Benzo (a) Pyrene
- As, Ni, Pb(As per NAAQS –2009)
- Weather monitoring
- Mercury & other metals
- Methane, H2
- S, Mercaptans
- VOC’s, SVOC’s
PAH’s and other residues - Soil & Sludge Analysis
- Nitrogen, Phosphorus & Potassium Silica
- Sodium absorption ratio
- Total Organic Carbon
- Organic Matter
- Water Holding Capacity
- Cation Exchange
Service monitoring
- Ambient & workplace air
monitoring - Air emission monitoring of
Boiler, DG & Process
Stacks - Noise Level Monitoring
- Ventilation Survey
- Light Luminosity
Measurement (by LUX
Meter) - Base Line Data Study For
We undertake testing of
- Baseline soils
- Agriculture soils contaminated soils
- Sediments from lakes
- Sludge from wetlands
Scope of Testing includes:
- pH, Bulk density
- Nutrients include NPK
- Moisture, Ash, Volatile
matter - Sieve Analysis
- Organic Carbon
- Cation exchange capacity
- Anion exchange capacity
- Metals
- Organics – VOC’s, SVOC’s, PAH’s
- Pesticide residues
Solid & Hazardous Waste
Physical state
- Color, Texture
- Specific gravity / Bulk
density - Viscosity
- Flash Point
- Calorific Value
- Loss on drying & loss on
ignition - PFLT, LRT
- pH
- Reaction CN, Sulfide
- C, H, N, S, Cl
- NO3, NH3, F, CN
- Relevant Metals
- Relevant Organics include BTEX
- Other residues Compatibility Tests
Impacts Of Our Waste Management In Numbers

Tons Of
Waste Handled

Customers Across Demographics

State Of The Art

Years of